[1]张桂平,兰 珊.非伦理型人力资源管理与员工安全行为研究[J].湖北工业大学学报,2020,(3):24-28.
 ZHANG Guiping,LAN Shan.Non-ethicsHRM Practices and Employees Safety Behavior[J].,2020,(3):24-28.





Non-ethicsHRM Practices and Employees Safety Behavior
张桂平 兰  珊
湖北工业大学经济与管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430068
ZHANG Guiping LAN Shan
School of Economics and Management, Hubei Univ. of Tech., Wuhan 430068, China
非伦理型 人力资源管理 员工安全行为 安全气候
non-ethicshuman resource management practices employees safety behavior construal level theory safety climate
以非伦理型人力资源管理实践为研究背景, 基于解释水平理论和资源保存理论的视角, 构建非伦理型的人力资源管理实践对员工安全行为的影响机制模型。 研究结果表明:非伦理型的绩效考核、绩效薪酬管理、组织培训和工作设计负向影响员工的安全行为, 而组织伦理气候、员工道德推脱和保护性价值观在此过程中起中介作用。
It is a serious problem that the casualty occurred frequently at the workplace in China. It has become the common attention how to increase safety behaviors of employees in the theory and practical areas. Although the impact of non-ethicsHRM practices on employee safety behaviors has attracted the attention from the academic community, the relevant impact mechanism research has been relatively rare so far. From the perspective of interpretation level theory and resource conservation theory, this paper systematically constructs the influence mechanism model of non-ethicshuman resource management practice on employee safety behavior. This paper will study the following questions based on construal level theory: 1) to review the background and connotation of non-ethicsHRM practices; 2) to analyze the effect of non-ethicshuman resource management on safety behaviors from four aspects of performance appraisal, performance salary management, organizational training and job design, and to discuss the mediating role of organizational ethics climate, and the mechanism mediating role of ethical climate, moral disengagement and protective value; 3) to discuss whether the variables of demography and organization have a notable and different influence to the safety behaviors and non-ethicshuman resource management. Based on the result of theoretical and practical analysis, a series of policies and advice will be put out, and will provide insightful theoretical and empirical contribution for the safety management Chinese enterprises.


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[收稿日期] 2019-09-20
[基金项目] 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(17YJA630129)
[第一作者] 张桂平(1975-), 女, 河北衡水人, 湖北工业大学教授, 研究方向为人力资源
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-07-03