[1]魏想明,袁 晴.虚拟品牌社区顾客间互动对品牌忠诚的影响[J].湖北工业大学学报,2019,34(1):101-106.
 WEI Xiangming,YUAN Qing.The Impact of Interaction between Customers in virtual Brand Community on Brand Loyalty[J].,2019,34(1):101-106.





The Impact of Interaction between Customers in virtual Brand Community on Brand Loyalty
魏想明 袁  晴
湖北工业大学经济与管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430068
WEI Xiangming YUAN Qing
Faculty of Economics and Management, Hubei Univ. of Tech., Wuhan 430068,China
产品互动 人际互动 顾客品牌情感融入 品牌忠诚
product interaction interpersonal interaction customer brand emotional integration brand loyalty
以虚拟品牌社区为研究背景, 将社区内顾客间互动划分为产品互动与人际互动, 构建顾客间互动通过顾客品牌情感融入的中介效应影响品牌忠诚的理论模型。 研究结果表明:产品互动和人际互动皆对品牌忠诚和顾客品牌情感融入具有显著的正向影响, 顾客品牌情感融入在顾客间互动对品牌忠诚的影响过程中起中介作用。
With the increasing popularity of the Internet, enterprises begin to take the construction of virtual brand community as a new marketing strategy. Taking the virtual brand community as the research background, this paper divides the interaction among customers in the community into product interaction and interpersonal interaction, and constructs the theoretical model of brand loyalty through the intermediary effect of customer brand emotion integration. The research results show that product interaction and interpersonal interaction have a significant positive impact on brand loyalty and customer brand emotional integration and customer brand emotion integration plays a mediating role in the influence of customer-customer interaction on brand loyalty.


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[收稿日期] 2018-08-20
[第一作者] 魏想明(1965-), 男, 湖北应城人,湖北工业大学教授,研究方向为市场营销,质量管理
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-05