 ZHOU An,LIN Jiaran.Compressive and Shear Strength of Polymer BasaltFiber Calcareous Sand[J].,2024,39(4):88-92.





Compressive and Shear Strength of Polymer BasaltFiber Calcareous Sand
周安 林家冉
(湖北工业大学土木建筑与环境学院, 湖北 武汉 430068)
ZHOU An LIN Jiaran
(School of Civil Engin.,Architecture and Environment,Hubei Univ. of Tech.,Wuhan 430068,China)
建筑材料 力学特性 改良机理 高聚物 玄武岩纤维 钙质砂
construction materials mechanical properties improvement mechanisms polymers basalt fibres calcareous sand
To solve problems such as the lack of foundation bearing capacity of calcareous sand in South China Sea island projects, in this paper, the effects of different polymer (PFA) and basalt fibre (BF) contents on the compressive and shear strength of calcareous sand were investigated by unconfined compressive strength test and direct shear test. The results showed that the compressive strength and shear strength of calcareous sand increased with the increase of PFA and BF content, The increase in compressive strength increases significantly when BF and PFA are content at 0.6% and 6% respectively, and the increase in the angle of internal friction and the cohesion of the specimens is slowed down when the BF dose exceeds 0.3%. Finally, SEM and HD digital microscopy revealed that PFA was able to bond dispersed calcareous sand particles and wrap small particles to enhance interfacial interactions, In addition, BF increases the sliding friction of the calcareous sand and together with PFA it forms a large fibrous network which improves the strength properties of the calcareous sand.


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[收稿日期] 20220701[基金项目] 国家重点实验室 重点基金(BHSKL1803KF)[第一作者] 周安(1983-), 男, 湖北武汉人, 工学博士, 湖北工业大学讲师, 研究方向为新材料微观力学性能。[通信作者] 林家冉(1997-), 男, 河南邓州人, 湖北工业大学硕士研究生, 研究方向为土木水利。
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-08-23