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Will Performance be Better When “Wanting to” Innovate?
 -The Impact of Inclusive Leadership on Employees’ Innovation Performance
 李 云 程文倩 姚 青
 湖北工业大学经济与管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430068
 LI Yun CHENG Wenqian YAO Qing
 School of Economics and Management, Hubei Univ. of Tech., Wuhan 430068,China
 包容型领导 创新绩效 信任领导 成就动机
 inclusive leadership innovation performance trust in leadership achievement motivation
 How to promote employees’ innovation? It has always been a hot issue in the academic circle. However, previous studies often only explored the impact of inclusive leadership on employees’ innovation performance from a single perspective. Based on social exchange theory and self-determination theory, this study constructed a double intermediary model from a dual perspective to explore the internal transmission mechanism of inclusive leadership to employees’ innovation performance. After empirical analysis of 212 effective samples, it was found that inclusive leadership has a significant positive impact on employees’ innovation performance, and has a positive impact on employees’ innovation performance through the mediating roles of trusting in leadership(should innovate)and achievement motivation(want to innovate). In addition, the mediating effect of achievement motivation is significantly stronger than that of trusting in leadership. The conclusion indicates that the intrinsic motivation from employees (want) is more conducive to stimulate their innovation, and can guide the management practice of enterprises to a certain extent.


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[收稿日期] 2021-10-08
[基金项目] 湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学项目(19Y045)
[第一作者] 李 云(1978-),女,湖南长沙人,管理学博士,湖北工业大学副教授,研究方向为人力资源管理,组织行为学
[通信作者] 程文倩(1994-),女,河南周口人,湖北工业大学硕士研究生,研究方向为人力资源管理
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-06-20