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 Few-Shot Image Classification Algorithm Based on Multi-scale Channel Attention
 王 奇 靳华中 李文萱 李晴晴
 湖北工业大学计算机学院, 湖北 武汉 430068
 WANG Qi JIN Huazhong LI Wenxuan LI Qingqing
 School of Computer Science, Hubei Univ. of Tech., Wuhan 430068, China
 小样本学习 元学习 关系网络 注意力机制
 few-shot learning meta-Learning relation network attention
 In order to improve the accuracy of image classification, a multi-scale channel attention is introduced into Relation Network, and a new few-shot image classification algorithm is proposed. Since the multi-scale channel attention can focus on important information in the sample feature space, this method can extract richer multi-scale features of the image, and improve the classification results through relationship measurement. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the accuracy of image classification on Mini Image Net and Omniglot data sets.


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[收稿日期] 2021-08-02
[基金项目] 大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S201910500074)
[第一作者] 王 奇(1997-),女,山西侯马人,湖北工业大学硕士研究生,研究方向为计算机视觉
[通信作者] 靳华中(1973-),男,湖北洪湖人,湖北工业大学副教授,研究方向为计算机视觉
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-02-25