[1]陈志刚,岳 倩,赵 威. 弹幕文本情感分类模型研究——基于中文预训练模型与双向长短期记忆网络[J].湖北工业大学学报,2021,(6):56-61.
 CHEN Zhigang,YUE Qian,ZHAO Wei. Research on Sentiment Classification of Barrage Text Based on BERT-wwm and BiLSTM[J].,2021,(6):56-61.





 Research on Sentiment Classification of Barrage Text Based on BERT-wwm and BiLSTM
 陈志刚1 岳 倩1 赵 威2
1 湖北工业大学经济与管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430068;
2 华中科技大学武汉光电国家研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430074
 CHEN Zhigang1 YUE Qian1 ZHAO Wei2
 1 School of Economics and Management, Hubei Univ. of Tech., Wuhan 430068, China;
 2 Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics,[JZ]Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Wuhan 430074,China
 弹幕文本情感分类 中文预训练模型 双向长短时记忆网络
 barrage text sentiment classification BERT wwm BiLSTM
 Aiming at the colloquial,networked,and polysemous features of the barrage text,the BERT wwm BiLSTM model is proposed to improve the accuracy of sentiment classification and provide a reference for subsequent video content mining and network public opinion governance.The model introduces the BERT wwm pre-training model to obtain dynamic word vectors related to context information,then uses BiLSTM to extract features,and finally uses softmax to perform sentiment classification.Experiments were conducted on the self-built two barrage data sets of bilibili and Tencent video.The four indicators of Acc,P,R,and F1 are better than other models,and they have outstanding performance in the one-word polysemous barrage text.It proves the effectiveness of the model in the sentiment classification of barrage text.


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[收稿日期] 2021-07-22
[第一作者] 陈志刚(1970-),男,湖北汉川人,湖北工业大学副教授,研究方向为电商理论与实务,数字经济,高新企业管理
[通信作者] 岳 倩(1996-),女,四川巴中人,湖北工业大学硕士研究生,研究方向为情报分析
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-01-04